The Australasian Society for Philosophy and Psychology


Who We Are

The Australasian Society for Philosophy and Psychology was formed in 2017 to promote interaction in Australasia among philosophers and psychologists, broadly construed to include anyone interested in scientific study of the mind, and scholars in related fields on issues of common concern (including but not limited to neuroscience, linguistics, computer science, and anthropology).

The initial activities of the Society are made possible by the generosity of our founding members.

What We Do

The primary function of the ASPP is to hold a biennial conferences that brings together philosophers and scientists with a common interest in study of the mind.

The next ASPP conference will be at Monash University, Nov 24-25 2025. Mark your calendars and watch this space for more details!

The third ASPP conference was held at The Australian National University, Dec 6th-8th 2023. The conference website has more information

The second ASPP Conference was held at University of Queensland, Brisbane, February 17th-19th 2022. The conference website has more details.

The first ASPP conference was hosted at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia 5-7 December 2018.  [Information about the 2018 Conference] is still available.

Our Structure

Membership in the ASPP is open to anyone interested in advancing the sciences of the mind in Australasia. Membership is automatically part of the registration for our conferences, though feel free to contact us if you'd like to be a member without attending the conference.

The current president of the ASPP is Professor Jakob Hohwy  (Monash University). We are governed by an board of directors consisting of representatives from philosophy, psychology, and cognitive neuroscience.

[More about our structure]
[About our logo]

We are not affiliated with any particular university. Nor are we a formal part of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology, but we do maintain friendly ties with them.

Contact Us

To join the general announcement list, please fill out the form located here. For other inquiries about the society please contact the current secretary, Michelle Liu, at

We may also be reached by mail at:
C/- Michelle Liu, Department of Philosophy
Menzies Building
20 Chancellors Walk
Monash University
Clayton VIC 3800

© 2024 The Australasian Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Ltd. ABN: 70617983570.